Taking "awkward" to a whole new uncomfortable level. Like getting caught during "Happy Time"

Friday, January 28, 2011

Make Up for the Days I Neglected Bonanza!!

How many days back am I? I think it's 3, including today. So let's do this. In the good Las Vegas way.

1) Would you rather eat dogfood flavored shit, or shit flavored dogfood?

2) What would you do if your face was emoticons, and you would only be able to express emotion that way for the rest of your life? I assume :(

3) What would you do if before starting a conversation with anyone, you had to tell them what you honestly thought of them? For example: "Hey Arin. You're bearable, it'd be better if you shave more often. Or at least bigger boobs. So how's your day?"

And we're even! Yaay. Although I seem to recall winning a bet about that chick in Math class. I think you still owe me a sammich. But I'm willing to put it behind us. For the better of our friendship. Winky face.

Now I have *cough* more important matters to attend to.


  1. 1) ...
    2) =/
    3) Well, depending on who the person was, it would be good or bad.
    For you, SplatterWagon, it would be, "Well, I know you're shorter than I am, and you're younger, but you're awesome, and you kick ass, and you're awesome... again. So, how're you doing?"

  2. 1.I would rather eat the dog food cause i don't want some disease or massive illness.
    2.That would suck for me but it be better for you, I mean your face couldn't get any uglier right?
    3.If that happend no one would talk to me ever again, especially women(not like they do anyway)
