Taking "awkward" to a whole new uncomfortable level. Like getting caught during "Happy Time"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

1/20/11: "quite a paradox"

If you kill a time-paradox clone* of yourself, is it murder or suicide?
Comment n stuff!

*Ok, let's say you have the ability to time travel, and go back in time X years to give your past self to go outside and get some friends, but through a tear in time/space** created by the time travel, he comes with you. There are now two of "you" in this reality.

**Time/Space Continuum. Wikipedia, bitches.


  1. ok first it is murder because i am not killing my physical self, i am killing a past(or future) version of me. Second i believe you were talking about me when u said "go outside and get some friends" jerk!

  2. Really? You're commenting on this and not the post where I tell you to suck a lemon? Ok then.
    Stop patronizing yourself. There may or may not be a collection of no-lifers who read this. Patrick.
