Taking "awkward" to a whole new uncomfortable level. Like getting caught during "Happy Time"

Saturday, February 5, 2011

No post today, but this will suffice

I just realized this.

At the top of any blogspot page (like this), there's certain controls within blogspot, like sign in, create a blog, etc. Well there's one that reads "next blog", which takes you to a random blogspot page.
Knowing the nature of blogspot, there's the assortment of "misunderstood teenage girl" and "family photos of us in Canada" blogs.

Your job is to find an incredibly awkward or revealing blog and post the link in a comment. I will then harrass teenage girls and comment pictures of li'l Timmy with "I'd hit that"

Now begone, the First Strike dlc came out.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2/3/11: "kfm #1"

Alright guys, it's the classic- Kill, Fuck, Marry!

Britney Spears, Justin Bieber, and Leonardo DiCaprio!

Comment n such!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2/2/11: "megan fox"

Would you be in a 3 way with Megan Fox if you knew the other person involved was Shia LeBeoff? Comment, da?? Du bist wundershön!

I'll make up the days I missed eventually, and if not, I don't see you giving me ideas!! So yeah! But if you wanna mod the site, it'd be really helpful. Leave a comment with your email so I can sign ya up, kk?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Make Up for the Days I Neglected Bonanza!!

How many days back am I? I think it's 3, including today. So let's do this. In the good Las Vegas way.

1) Would you rather eat dogfood flavored shit, or shit flavored dogfood?

2) What would you do if your face was emoticons, and you would only be able to express emotion that way for the rest of your life? I assume :(

3) What would you do if before starting a conversation with anyone, you had to tell them what you honestly thought of them? For example: "Hey Arin. You're bearable, it'd be better if you shave more often. Or at least bigger boobs. So how's your day?"

And we're even! Yaay. Although I seem to recall winning a bet about that chick in Math class. I think you still owe me a sammich. But I'm willing to put it behind us. For the better of our friendship. Winky face.

Now I have *cough* more important matters to attend to.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1/25/11: "teh union jack"

What would you do if you woke up one morning and you were British?
Comment, suggest, etc.

I'd say a whole bunch of British insults, like "twa'".


Monday, January 24, 2011

1/24/11: "transie"

Would you rather have the ability to change your own sex, or that of others, and why?
Post a comment, kk??

Imma answer my own question here, because i's bored...
I'd rather have th ability to change others' sexes because it'd be kinda weird and fun to see what they would look like, and because I know I'd be disappointed in the size of my chest. :(((

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The TOM!!

Youtube user tomkitsune answering my "body" question. AWESOME!!!
Tom makes machinima, does animation, and is a major contributor to GuitarmasterX7 and Dexterboy124's "Sanity Not Included" series.

Here's his YouTube account: http://www.youtube.com/user/tomkitsune?blend=1&ob=4

1/23/11: "penguins"

What would you do if your hands turned into penguins?
Comment n such!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

1/21/11: "quickie" AND an update

Would you rather be eternally drunk, baked, or hyper?
Comment, or don't. But please do.

So weekends are going to be sort of a tradeoff. I'll probably end up putting one question per weekend, whether it be on Saturday or Sunday. At least until I get someone else to help me with these.

Also, I posted one of my awkward questions (see "body") on a Mr. Tom Kitsune's formspring, and he answered!! I'll post a link to his page, and a pic of his response.
Formspring is basically a reverse blog; people ask him questions, and then the person picks through and answers.

So yeah. Sorry about the late post. ;D

Thursday, January 20, 2011

1/20/11: "quite a paradox"

If you kill a time-paradox clone* of yourself, is it murder or suicide?
Comment n stuff!

*Ok, let's say you have the ability to time travel, and go back in time X years to give your past self to go outside and get some friends, but through a tear in time/space** created by the time travel, he comes with you. There are now two of "you" in this reality.

**Time/Space Continuum. Wikipedia, bitches.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1/19/11: "a mature question pertaining to lubrication"

Would you rather have everything you drink turn into pee, or only be able to bathe/swim in pee? (Don't be a smartass and say "But everything everyone drinks turns into pee!" No. You're dumb. I mean, you can only drink pee for the rest of your life.)
Comment n stuff!

Well... shit.

Congratulations to me, I've successfully created and neglected a blog in the span of a week. I guess I've been caught up in the whole euphoria of being able to say "Yo, dude! Have you seen my blog?" and "I'm gonna post this!!" respectively. So now I have Jason being my "WHERE THE FACK IS THE QUESTIONNNZZZZZ???!!" guy (btw, Jason is badass. Unless this is Jason reading this. If it is, go suck on a lemon. >: l. hajkjkjk. but srsly.) so that hiatus will more than likely never happen again.

Holy shit, I wrote all that in like 2 minutes, but can't come up with one question?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

1/15 is the new 1/16: "tricycle"

Would you take a million dollars or an invisible tricycle?
Comment n stuff!

1/15/11: "love or lovin"

Would you rather have a true love with no sex ever, or be guaranteed sex with anyone you wanted, but never fall in love... for the rest of your life?
Post a comment with your response!

1/14/11: "power"

What would you do if you were given absolute power in exchange for all bowel control?
Post a comment with your response!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

1/13/10: "dad+santa"

What would you do if you saw your dad kissing Santa Claus?
Post a comment with your response!

1/12/11: "shampoo"

Do bald people use shampoo? If you were bald, would you?
Post a comment with your response!

1/11/11: "catfood"

If you were given a million dollars, right now, would you eat a cat once a week for the rest of your life? Ten million if it's raw!
Post a comment with your response!

1/10/11: "body"

What would you do if you were given the ability to instantaneously alter anyone's body, including your own?
Post a comment with your response!

1/9/11: "cake"

Would you rather sit on a d**k and eat cake, or sit on a cake and eat d**k?
Post a comment with your response!